1 Peter 3:15 Ministry - This is an Apologetics Ministry that is designed to defend Historic Christianity. Do you have questions concerning the reliability of the Bible, the veracity of Christianity and the claims of Jesus Christ? If so please explore this site. May God Bless your visit.
Adherents.com - A growing collection of over 43,870 adherent statistics and religious geography citations -- references to published membership/adherent statistics and congregation statistics for over 4,200 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, ultimate concerns, etc.
Answers in Genesis - Believing it, Defending it, Proclaimining it.
Answers Worldwide - The Missionary Arm of Answers in Genesis. Our purpose is to provide the “global Christian” with answers for his faith
(1 Peter 3:14) and to expose the world to the Creator God of the Bible.
Apologetics.com - Robert Bowman - President - The purpose of Apologetics.com is to remove intellectual impediments to Christian faith, enhance believers' confidence in the truth of the gospel, and increase their effectiveness in communicating that truth to others.
Apologetics Index - This index contains links to Christian, non-Christian and secular information on cults, sects, new and/or alternative religious movements, apologetics ministries, apologetics-related articles, counter-cult resources, etcetera.
Atheist Central -- Ray Comfort’s Blog
Christian Apologetics Resource Ministry - CARM is a 501(c)3 nonprofit Christian apologetics organization whose purpose is to equip Christians with good information on doctrine, various religious groups (Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.), cults, Evolution, New Age, and related subjects.
Christian Research Institute - Hank Hanegraaff - The Christian Research Institute exists to provide Christians worldwide with carefully researched information and well-reasoned answers that encourage them in their faith and equip them to intelligently represent it to people influenced by ideas and teachings that assault or undermine orthodox, biblical Christianity.
Contender Ministries - The mission of Contender Ministries is to follow the words of Jude...
Cross TV - Primarily Producing television programs designed to defend the Faith.
Do You Believe in Angels? - There is a culture in America today that is crazy about angels--- angel-mania is a good term for it. But what does the Bible teach about angels? Linda Stover Van Fleet has put together an excellent web site that does a very good job at dispelling some of the myths surrounding these beings. You'll have to take the stories with a grain of salt, but her perspective (as best I can tell) is purely Biblical.
False Teachers.com - Dedicated to all those charlatans, false prophets, false teachers and anti-Christs out there. True Christians aren't standing up enough these days to expose these wolves in sheep's clothing. The apostles exposed false teachers by name in order to protect God's people and that is the primary motivation that I have for this website.
I'm Speaking Truth - Blog
Institute for Creation Research - has equipped believers with evidence of the Bible's accuracy and authority through scientific research, educational programs, and media presentations, all conducted within a thoroughly biblical framework.
Internetmonk.com - Michael Spencer Blog
Let Us Reason - To deliver the Gospel, To define what we believe, To defend the truth of the Word.
MBREM - Sola Scriptura - A Reformed Theology Resource - Dedicated to the Praise of His Glorious Grace!
Rapture Forums - The Rapture and End Times News Resource - To guide people of all backgrounds into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior... finding all the answers to your Bible prophecy questions about the end times... follows a pre-millennial, dispensational interpretation of Scripture and believe the Bible teaches salvation by grace through faith alone, as well as the eternal security of believers.
Reasons to Believe - Reasons To Believe is an international, interdenominational ministry established to communicate the uniquely factual basis for belief in the Bible as the wholly true Word of God and for personal faith in Jesus Christ.
Reasons to Believe, Atlanta Chapter - "Promoting an Intelligent Christian World View by Integrating Science and Scriptures"
Stand to Reason - Stand to Reason trains Christians to think more clearly about their faith and to make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity and classical Christian values in the public square.
The Berean Call - Dave Hunt - T. A. Mc Mahon Exposes the problems with Muslim, and many Christian and Pseudo Christian sects.
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood - The mission of The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood is to set forth the teachings of the Bible about the complementary differences between men and women, created equally in the image of God, because these teachings are essential for obedience to Scripture and for the health of the family and the church.
Trinity Foundation - Trinity Foundation began in November 1972 as a public, nonprofit organization serving the public interest through religious communications... providing food, shelter, and a sense of community to the poor and distressed since 1976... became the leading "watchdog" of religious media, conducting investigations and providing information used to expose fraud and abuses committed in the name of God.
US Pastor Council - Founded in 2003 as a trans-denominational, inter-racial coalition of senior pastors who came together to bring a united, Biblical voice to the city, state and even nation.
Watchman Fellowship - A ministry of Christian Discernment, focusing on cults and new religious movements.
Watch Tower Society Quotes: - A collection of quotes from literature published by the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society
Y-Jesus.com - Y-Jesus attempts to present the evidence for Jesus' identity with an even-handed approach. Who did Jesus really claim to be? Is the resurrection merely a Sunday school story without evidence? Has the New Testament account of Jesus been rewritten by conspirators?
Care Not Killing Alliance - A UK-based alliance of individuals and organisations which brings together disability and human rights organisations, healthcare and palliative care groups, and faith-based organisations, with the aims of: promoting more and better palliative care; ensuring that existing laws against euthanasia and assisted suicide are not weakened or repealed during the lifetime of the current Parliament; influencing the balance of public opinion further against any weakening of the law.
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - Exists to build a well-informed broadly-based network of groups and individuals to create an effective social barrier to euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Euthanasia Symposium - Designed to direct the cultural energy into a unified, focussed and effective force to move our culture toward Caring and not Killing
International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide - Addressing euthanasia, assisted suicide, advance directives, disability rights, pain control and more.
Not Dead Yet - Blog opposing legalized assisted suicide - good information about the issues.
Vermont Alliance for Ethical Health Care - To promote the provision of excellent health care at the end of life in an ethical manner and to oppose efforts to legalize physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia in Vermont.
Compassionate Health Care Network - We provide online research data and original articles pertaining to euthanasia, assisted suicide, disability and palliative care.
Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation - Dedicated to helping persons with disabilities, and the incapacitated who are in or potentially facing life-threatening situations.
Institute for the Study of Disability and Bioethics - Seeks to address ethical and moral issues as they relate to people with disabilities.
911babies.com - God has called us to show the Church in America how to respond to the cry of the Unborn and to speak His truths so we may embrace God’s Blessings of Life.
Abortion Statistics - by The Second LookProject
Abortion Recovery Care Directory - Healing people, healing families, restoring lives and relationships.
Abortion Recovery International - Abortion Recovery InterNational, Inc. (ARIN) is a Christian non-profit, affiliate assocation, dedicated to connecting and assisting like-minded abortion recovery centers, programs and services; as well as individuals working within the field. ARIN is the first and only international network uniting abortion recovery efforts worldwide. ARIN also serves as a network of recovery, research, awareness and educational resources that provide information concerning after abortion issues.
American Life League - Exists to serve God by helping to build a society that respects and protects individual innocent human beings from creation to natural death—without compromise, without exception, without apology.
Americans United For Life - Changing Law to Protect Human Life, State by State
Clinic Quotes - Pro-life information, including quotes from abortion doctors and clinic workers.
Donate Life America - Are you registered as an Organ Donor? It is the right thing to do whether you are a Christian or not. Please consider signing an Organ Donor Card and especially let your wishes be known to your family.
Do No Harm - The Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics - Stem cell research promises great good and is a worthy scientific priority as long as we pursue it ethically. Obtaining stem cells from people without seriously harming people in the process can be ethical. However, obtaining stem cells from human embryos cannot be ethical because it necessarily involves destroying those embryos. - Read the Full Statement
Elliot Institute - The web's most complete source of information on the aftereffects of abortion and post-abortion healing.
Feminists For Life - Refuse to choose - Women deserve better than abortion.
Georgia Right To Life - "Protecting innocent life from fertilization to natural death."
Go Pray USA - This is an effort of 911Babies to assemble a network of intercessors to pray for our nation. .
Jill Stanek's Blog - When it would have been easier to look the other way, Jill Stanek’s commitment to Christ led her to risk her job, reputation, and friendships to stop the terrible practices of abortion and infanticide.
Life News - News wire service brings you pro-life news you can count on.
National Embryo Donation Center - A nonprofit center assisting both embryo donors and recipients.
National Pro-Life Alliance - The National Pro-Life Alliance is a non-profit, non-partisan coalition of over 350,000 pro-life Americans united by a single mission: ending the horror of abortion-on-demand.
National Right To Life - The National Right to Life Committee was founded in 1973 in response to a United States Supreme Court decision released on January 22 of that year, legalizing the practice of human abortion in all 50 states, throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy. Prior to that Supreme Court case-- Roe vs. Wade... Democrats For Life of America - A national organization for pro-life members of the Democratic party.
No Less Human - Society for the protection of the unborn
Nurses For Life - Dedicated to promoting respect for every human life from conception to natural death, and to affirming that the destruction of that life, for whatever reason and by whatever means, does not meet the ideals and standards of good nursing practice.
Personhood - Pro-Life & Pro-Human Policy in the 21st Century
Physicians for Compassionate Care - An association of physicians and other health professionals dedicated to preserving the traditional relation of the physician and patient as one in which the physician's primary task is to heal when possible, comfort always, and never intentionally harm.
Planned Parenthood Corruption - This website is independent, yet supportive of Phill Kline and his efforts to bring Planned Parenthood and other criminal organizations to justice.
Pre-Born.org - To Glorify Jesus Christ by equipping pregnancy centers
to save more babies and souls.
Pregnancy Centers - Our trained phone consultants are available at all hours to take your calls and email. This site will also help you locate the pregnancy centers nearest you. These centers offer many services, including free pregnancy tests, peer counseling and information about all pregnancy options. These centers do not offer abortions or abortion referrals.
Pro-Life America - Helping moms, saving babies, ending abortion!
Rebecca Kiessling - Conceived in rape, Targeted for abortion
Resources on Bio-Ethics - Stand To Reason - Links to Abortion, Euthanasia, Stem Cell Research, Cloning, Etc.
Silent No More Awareness Campaign - The Silent No More Awareness Campaign is an effort to make the public aware of the devastation abortion brings to women, men, and their families.
Teen Defenders.com - Teens ages 13-19 are you looking for a way to get involved with the Pro-Life movement in a fun and powerful way? This is your chance! Teen Defenders is a united effort among teens all around the world. Teen Defenders will take part in various campaigns while having all its members educated activists.
The Heidi Group - A non-profit organization promoting life affirming hope and dignity to girls, women, and their families seeking self-sufficiency.
The Second Look Project - Presents basic facts regarding abortion. While abortion has been legal in the U. S. for three decades, polls continue to show that many people do not have very basic information about abortion, such as when during pregnancy it is legal and why it is generally performed.
Theunchoice.com - To raise awareness about unwanted, coerced or forced abortions in America and other injustices, risks and post-abortion harm and heartbreak.
TooManyAborted.com - To educate African-Americans about abortion’s impact on the Black community via accurate and documented statistics, historical perspectives, provocative videos, and personal testimonies. To expose Planned Parenthood’s propaganda and reveal the true intentions of this billion-dollar nonprofit organization.
Answering Islam - Information, links, and articles about Islam
Bridges for Peace - A Jerusalem-based, multi-faceted, Christian organization dedicated to the building of sincere relationships between the Christian and Jewish communities, while encouraging greater concern for the land and people of Israel.
Concerned Women For America - The nation's largest public policy women's organization with a rich 25-year history of helping our members across the country bring Biblical principles into all levels of public policy.
Constitutional Law and Criminal Procedure - Courses from the National Paralegal College - The mission of National Paralegal College is to provide quality Internet-based education and training for students seeking careers in the paralegal field.
The Ultimate List of Criminal Justice Links - This is a list of the top criminal justice links on the web. Different specializations within criminal justice are included, along with statistical information, professional societies, advocacy groups, educational opportunities, and more.
Find your Zip + 4 code - Needed to write your Representative
Flame - FLAME's purpose, is: "The research and publication of the facts regarding developments in the Middle East and exposing false propaganda that might harm the interests of the United States and its allies in that area of the world."
Global Warming Hoax - Where Only the Truth Heats Up - Arguments based on science, news, and common sense. This site is non-partisan and non-religious based.
Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics - Download or read online classic books and other works on constitutional government.
Myths and Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict - By Mitchell G. Bard
Project Vote Smart - Every candidate and elected official from President to local government can be easily and instantly accessed.
Stand for Israel - Stand For Israel's mission is to translate love and commitment for Israel and the Jewish people into action.
Write your State Representatives - State Legislature Websites
Write your US Representative - Make a difference in our world. Send a message to your representatives. Easy search.
Write your US Senators - Easy accsess to Senate E-mail
Mesothelioma and Smoking - Turning Hope and Faith into Action.
QuitDay - Making a plan to quit smoking is the first step to quitting for good. Take the first step here, and say goodbye to cigarettes forever.
Restored Hope Network - a membership governed network dedicated to restoring hope to those broken by sexual and relational sin, especially those impacted by homosexuality. We proclaim that Jesus Christ has life-changing power for all who submit to Christ as Lord; we also seek to equip His church to impart that transformation.
The Love and Fidelity Network - To EDUCATE, TRAIN, AND EQUIP college students with the ARGUMENTS, RESOURCES, AND DIRECTION they need to uphold the institution of marriage, the unique role of the family, and sexual integrity on their campuses.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children - The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children’s® (NCMEC) mission is to help prevent child abduction and sexual exploitation; help find missing children; and assist victims of child abduction and sexual exploitation, their families, and the professionals who serve them.