Whether you are here by invitation, because of a search engine, or by accident, welcome! I hope you stay around a while. The primary focus of this web site is Jesus Christ as He is presented in the Bible. Are you a skeptic? Are you a mature Christian? You might be surprised by what's inside.
What's New!
Added Dr. Michael Youssef on our Respected Preachers page
Ravi Zacharias - By Bruce W. Robida
Did God Create Evil? - By Bruce W. Robida
Article - Gay Christian - By Bruce W. Robida
Article - Slavery in the Bible - By Bruce W. Robida
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What is Christianity?
Here, I attempt to define Christianity from a Biblical perspective. And In my world, Christianity is much simpler than some people make it out to be.
In these pages, you can learn how to become a Christian, the basics of Christianity, daily living as a Christian, and how to become a mature Christian.
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About the Bible
The Bible has been under attack since it was written. In fact, God's Word has been attacked since the beginning of mankind.
Click the following link for factual information concerning the truth about the Bible.
"The gospel of Jesus
is both
terrible and wonderful."
M. B. Oliver
Respected Preachers
Listen to or watch preachers who correctly teach God's Word so that we may be properly instructed.
Read the Bible Online anytime you see this image.Just click on it.

The Bible Gateway

Don't take my word for anything!
God's Word is the only one that is trustworthy!
Let those who love the LORD hate evil,
for he guards the lives of his faithful ones
and delivers them from the hand of the wicked. Psalm 97:10 |
Bringing Discredit
to the Church
Exposing false apostles, false teachers, false doctrine, false prophets, false Christs.
Is it proper to name those who distort the truth? I had struggled with that question for some time, especially when certain preachers were condemning the practice. But my opinion has changed and I now have no problem naming anyone who deceives God's people, either willfully, or unintentionally. Inside, you'll see links to articles, quotes and other information from various religious institutions and teachings to help you identify the wolves in sheep's clothing.
See also Naming Names: Is it Biblical? - By Todd Tomasella
Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses. Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning.
1 Timothy 5:19-20
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Test Yourself
Are You Really A Follower of Jesus Christ?
Now whom would you say that you follow? Are the teachings of Christ of more or less value than the teachings of your own pastor, teacher or preacher? Test them to see if their teachings are true to the Word of God. Test yourself to see if you follow the teachings of Christ rather than the teachings of men.
Take the False Teacher Quiz

Is it really necessary to convert non believers or correct false beliefs of those who call themselves Christians? Can't we all just get along and agree to disagree? Information and articles about apologetics and Polemics ... and no, apologetics doesn't mean to offer an apology or excuse for some fault or failure.
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Read articles by me and others about various topics by category.
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I hate racism. Christianity and racism are completely incompatible yet I see so many racist so-called Christians. Read articles and links concerning this subject.
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End Times
When will Christ return? According to the Bible, no one knows but our Father in heaven. But that doesn't stop arrogant, self-proclaimed prophets from foolishly making their predictions. This section is dedicated to articles related to the end times. Read More...
I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,but only the Father.
Mathew 24:34-36
Divisions in the Church
Christians should be perfectly united in mind and thought. But somehow, churches have ignored that mandate and have chosen to go their own way, creating denominations and opposing each other with their own doctrines. How in the world are non-Christians going to come to Christ when we refuse to unite in mind and thought? .
Some people say you shouldn't mix religion with politics. I believe Christians should be up to their eyebrows in politics, electing public servants that are not self serving, and holding our elected officials accountable whenever necessary.
Need a civics lesson? You might just find what you're looking for here.
Conservative Radio and Commentary

The Elliot Institute

My thoughts about
the End Times
I believe we are living in the end times ( Heb 1:1-2)
I hope that Jesus returns in my lifetime ( PS 33:20).
I have no way of knowing if He will return in my lifetime Mt 24:34-36.
I have no fear of those who might wish to do harm to my body ( Mt 10:28).
I have no worry about where I might find food, water, shelter, or anything else that might be necessary to sustain my life or that of my family. I have peace knowing that all I need, when I need it, God provides, now and always ( Mt 6:25).
End Times arguments are a distraction from living according to the plan and purpose that God has for me ( 2 TI 2:23-24).
I should live as though Christ will return today - He should find me doing the work that He has prepared for me ( Eph 2:10 , MK 13:30-36 ).
I have faith that God will raise me up on the last day, whether it is pre-trib, mid-trib, or post-trib ( John 6:39).
I pray that I will be able to stand to the end if I am tested should I have to endure any amount of time during the tribulation period ( LK 21:36).
I must always be ready for Christ's return ( MT 24:36-51).
Volunteers needed!
South America is witnessing a surge in Church growth. Unfortunately, many of the Mega-Churches employ some of the same tactics that brought American Mega-Churches material wealth, preaching false doctrine, leaving in their wake, countless souls with a false faith, or some that will abandon the faith altogether. Unfortunately, this web site addresses these issues in English only.
Volunteers are needed to translate this web site into Spanish. If you feel as passionately as I do about spreading the true message of God and exposing those who distort the truth and you can accurately read and write English and Spanish, please contact me HERE and I will send you a test article to translate into Spanish. Any help would be greatly appreciated! This web site can be transformed into Spanish one page at a time.
Bruce W. Robida <><
Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture on this website was taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION(r). Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.
Rational Response Squad/Blasphemy Challenge/The God Who Wasn't There/We want your soul/ Record a short message damning yourself to Hell/ free The God Who Wasn't There DVD/ You may damn yourself to Hell however you would like/deny the Holy Spirit/ Mark 3:29/Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin./He won't forgive you for denying the existence of the Holy Spirit/ Ever / This is a one-way road you're taking here/ blasphemous video/ Video Response /blasphemychallenge.com / waronchristmas@hotmail.com/ blaspheme now /the God Movie.com/Believe in God? We can fix that/ rationalresponders.com/Do you have a soul you're not using?/The Damned/ activist / atheists / your friendly neighborhood atheist activists /